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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need a new battery?

When the battery has reached the end of its useful life and is no longer able to provide enough capacity for working needs, the possibility of battery replacement should be considered.

When to add battery solution?

Batteries should be checked for condition and water level checked daily before each shift. The water supply to the battery will be decided after knowing the water level in the battery.

How to identify genuine battery?

Please choose the right authorized unit or genuine dealer of the manufacturer to choose to buy the product. When receiving the product, there must be a full certificate of quality and origin (CO, CQ) of the battery.

Should old batteries be renewed?

Depends on the condition of the battery. This should only be done by qualified and trained battery professionals or technicians.

Should only the damaged cells be replaced in the battery pack?

Depends on the condition of the battery. This should only be done by qualified and trained battery professionals or technicians.

What are the causes of fast battery failure (poor power backup)?

There are many causes and most of them are improper use of the manufacturer's instructions

How to choose the right battery for your forklift?

The vehicle manufacturer's technical documentation has indicated the capacity of the battery for you to choose. Some car manufacturers have a battery capacity range for customers to choose from. If you need to use the battery for more than 5 hours, you can choose the battery with the largest capacity and vice versa

When do you need to charge the battery balance?

Depending on many factors, the most standard condition is that the battery needs to be balanced once a week

Does the battery lose power when not in use?

Have. With lead-acid batteries, the self-discharge rate is about 15%/month under the condition of storage temperature of 25oC.

What kind of charger should I buy?

Depending on the needs of use, you will choose for yourself a suitable charger. The best feeder is equipped with an automatic feed controller with an equalization function.

What capacity battery charger should I buy?

With batteries for electric forklifts, the most suitable charger capacity is 10 to 16% of the capacity of the battery.

When do I need to perform an equalization charge?

Answer: Equalizing should be performed when a battery is first purchased (also called a freshening charge) and on a regular basis or as needed. How often your battery will require an equalization charge will vary depending on your application. You will need to monitor your battery voltage and specific gravity to determine when equalization is needed. For example, it is time to equalize if the measured specific gravity (SG) values are below manufacturer’s recommended values after charging (recommended value for Trojan deep cycle batteries is 1.285 +/- .007 at 80º F (20º C)). Equalizing is also required if the SG of any individual cell varies by 30 points or more. Reduced performance can also be an indicator that equalizing is necessary. Equalization should be performed when individual battery voltages in a battery pack range greater than 0.15 volts for 6-volt batteries or 0.30 volts for 12-volt batteries.

What are common mistakes made by flooded battery owners?

Continually operating the battery in a partial state of charge, or storing the battery in a discharged state results in the formation of lead sulfate compounds on the plates (called sulfation). Both of these conditions reduce the battery’s performance and may cause premature battery failure. Undercharging will also cause stratification, where the sulfuric acid begins to concentrate at the bottom of the battery and increases the build-up of lead sulfate. Overcharging: Continuous charging causes accelerated corrosion of the positive plates, excessive water consumption, and in some cases, damaging temperatures in a lead acid battery. Under watering: In flooded batteries, water is lost during the charging process. If the electrolyte level drops below the tops of the plates, irreparable damage may occur. Water levels should be checked and maintained routinely. Over-watering: Excessive watering of a battery results in additional dilution of the electrolyte, which leads to reduced battery performance. Additionally, watering the battery before charging may result in electrolyte overflow and unnecessary additional maintenance.

You want to find electric battery products?
Please Contact Nam Hai Batteries for the best product advice!

Hotline: 0909195869
